Delivering growth and engagement

Since 2007, we have crafted bespoke experiential learning programs, 

designed to foster personal and group development.

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Our Reason For Being

Our team exists so that we can create and protect the conditions for people and organisations to flourish. 

We love to work with schools and organisations that share our passion for educating through experience because it grows individuals and teams so quickly and it sticks!

If you share this passion, please reach out.


Pioneering 21st Century Experiential Education

The JDP approach means that each experience is carefully designed, using our evidence based framework, to achieve each group’s individual goals.  Curiosity is invited and a ‘safe sharing bubble’ created in every program, so that people can thrive.


Directed by Colin and Michelle French, JDP is a pending B Corp committed to quality, safety and ESG principles.

Discover our ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) commitment and why we decided to become a B Corp.


Launched Journey Organisational Development Programs


Acquired and launched as Kinglake Ranges Wilderness Camp


All destroyed on Black Saturday


Rebuilt and relaunched Kinglake Ranges Wilderness Camp


Rebranded Kinglake Forest Adventures Camp


Rebranded Journey Development Programs

Location is never a limitation.

Our growth-oriented programs are adaptable to urban, outdoors or remote environments and levels of difficulty. Partnering with KFA Camp we offer a comfortable hardtop camp experience that complements our developmental programs.

However, KFA Camp is just one of many locations where our programs can be conducted. At JDP, we tailor our programs to suit your needs, ensuring the perfect setting for personal and group development. Current well travelled locations in our inventory include Wilsons Promontory, The Grampians, The Whitsundays, Victorian High Country, Tasmanias Coles Bay/Freycinet Peninsula and Kinglake National Park. Reach out to explore all the possibilities.

Research Informed Bespoke Learning Experiences

If you can imagine it, we can make it work. Using our comprehensive meta-program as the foundation, we craft tailored experiences that balance activities across multiple intelligences.

Whether the setting is an introductory hike or one of our more advanced programs, the integrity of our methodology remains. This creates a rich learning environment that aligns with your school's unique objectives and culture.


How we do it

We truly believe our approach is unique. Positive psychology is ingrained in everything we do from hiring the right people, to the depth of our training and delivery of our vast range of experiential learning programs.